One of my original telephone book ads proclaimed, “Some Things Can Only Be Done By Hand.” While it is still true that dentistry is a high-touch practice, technology has transformed many facets of the modern dental office. Chief among these are:
Digital X-Rays. Modern dental x-rays are taken with a digital sensor connected to a computer. These are of higher visual quality and require less exposure time. The images can be enlarged for better evaluation, and can be shared with the patient, specialists, and colleagues via email or file upload.
CEREC Same-Visit Crowns. Using an optical scanner and a milling unit, a tooth requiring crown coverage can now be restored during the same visit. Previously this required goopy impression material, fragile temporary crowns, and a lengthy fabrication time at an off-site dental lab. The crown materials are strong, functional, and esthetically pleasing.
Cone Beam Computerized Tomography. (CBCT) Traditional x-rays are invaluable for the information they provide, but CBCT provides a three-dimensional view of the patient’s anatomy. Using this technology, a dentist can plan and perform dental implant therapy more safely and efficiently by knowing where nerves and anatomical landmarks are located.
Dr. Michael Gillespie has practiced dentistry in Waynesville for 25 years. The modern office uses the technology noted above and is located at 611 S. Haywood St. Please call 456-9007 for more information!